Zoë: A Real Bride Radiant in the January Veil for Her Simple, Vintage-inspired Wedding


In the world of weddings, sometimes the most exquisite beauty lies in simplicity. Zoé, a real bride with an eye for timeless elegance, captured hearts with her choice of the January veil. This exquisite piece, reminiscent of the Art Deco era, added an ethereal touch to Zoé's vintage-inspired celebration. In this blog post, we'll dive into the details of Zoé's special day, where a veil bought online from England made its way to America to become a cherished part of her wedding ensemble.

The January Veil: A Glimpse of Art Deco Grace:

Zoé's choice of the January veil perfectly encapsulated the essence of the Art Deco era. Crafted with intricate detailing, and delicate lacework this veil seamlessly complemented Zoé's classic, vintage-inspired wedding theme. The January veil, with its whisper-soft tulle, flowed gracefully, adding a touch of timeless charm to her bridal look.

The Tale of Transatlantic Elegance:

Zoé's journey to find the perfect veil led her to our online boutique which is based in England. After falling in love with the January veil, she eagerly placed her order, knowing that this piece was destined to be a cherished part of her wedding day ensemble. The veil made its voyage across the Atlantic, arriving in time to be delicately placed upon Zoé's head, completing her bridal vision.

Zoé's Radiant Glow:

On her wedding day, Zoé positively glowed. The January veil framed her face with an air of grace, perfectly accentuating her natural beauty. Zoé's choice of the January veil serves as an inspiration to brides seeking a touch of timeless elegance for their special day. It reminds us that sometimes, the most captivating beauty can be found in the simplest of details.


Zoé's wedding day, adorned with the January veil, was a true masterpiece of simplicity and vintage-inspired elegance. Her story reminds us that the right veil can be the finishing touch that elevates a bridal look from beautiful to breathtaking. As we celebrate Zoé's journey, we are reminded of the enduring allure of timeless grace in the world of weddings.

Zoë said: “I also wanted to share with you that I actually chose that particular dress to go with the veil and not the other way around. I took it along to my dress appointment and it wasn’t until I saw a picture from the back with the veil on that I made my decision.”

Photography https://eliciabryanweddings.com

Veil January by Wilderness Bride

Dress https://www.anthropologie.com/brands/bhldn

If you would like to try on our entire collection of wedding dresses and veils, please head to the appointments page to book!


Autumn serenade: A Wilderness Bride styled shoot at Holesfoot, Cumbria


A Vintage Dream: Lydia's Wilderness Wedding with the Ophelia Veil